Attorney For IRS Collections
What You Need To Know

IRS Collections
Ignoring Your Tax Problems Our Of Fear Or Stress Will Not Make Them Go Away
Ignoring your tax problems, however, is another common mistake because this does not make them go away. The penalties and interests that accrue can only make the problem worse and can put you in a difficult cycle that is impossible to escape. You need someone who has handled many different types of IRS situations who can walk you through these and help you figure out the right solution for you. You need the services provided by a Florida tax lawyer who will not look at you in judgment but rather consider your individual situation and figure out what is most appropriate for you.

Tax Information And Resources
Many people have medical bills they can’t pay or suffer in an accident, others are suffering financial hardship because they were recently divorced. Unfortunately, many good people across Florida have debt problems and you are not alone. A Florida unpaid taxes lawyer is your most important resource as you move forward with a legal case. Whether it’s property taxes, sales taxes, or employment issues, you deserve to have a lawyer at your side.
Many people assume that they could discharge their taxes in bankruptcy although this is hardly ever the case. For this reason, you will need a lawyer who is knowledgeable about the options available to you and who can help you with figuring out the most appropriate ways to come into compliance as soon as possible.
It’s Common To Fall Behind On Tax Issues
Often you have fallen behind on tax issues because you are unsure of what to do or you do not have the funds to pay your back taxes. In these unique situations, you need the services of a lawyer who will evaluate your past tax returns or help you come into compliance immediately as well as minimizing the potential consequences.
There are many different reasons why you could benefit from hiring a Florida tax lawyer and taking action promptly is recommended because the penalties and other potential consequences can stack up quickly. Far too many people put off getting help with their complicated tax issues because they have anxiety or fear over the situation. While this is a natural response, it is not helping you to make things any easier. IRS matters and Florida Department of Revenue matters are sensitive and extremely crucial and even a minor mistake can cost you dearly in the form of money and time.
Protect Yourself And Your Future
If you want to protect yourself as well as your business from interest, penalties, and even criminal actions, it is a good plan to hire someone who is knowledgeable about tax representation to manage this situation for you. Your Florida tax attorney will have the background knowledge to put together a clean action plan for your case and to put it into place.
Tax representatives are licensed, trained, and prepared to manage the details involved in the tax settlement and resolution process. If you are having problems with the IRS, only a knowledgeable Florida tax attorney can give you attorney-client privilege. This means that your lawyer is exempt from appearing in court to testify against you and that if your tax case should get to trial and you have chosen to work with CPA or tax preparation company, your CPA might actually testify and harm your case.
An IRS collection officer may want you to commit to a payment amount that you will be unable to afford and if you disagree, you will have given the IRS all of the information necessary to go after your house, assets, bank accounts and wages. If you agree to hire a monthly payment amount, disregarding national standards, the IRS is not mandated to inform you about the alternative programs or your rights. These regulations state that a taxpayer who enters into a payment plan with the IRS is entitled to a certain allowance on housing, clothing, food, medical expenses, and transportation. However, you need to hire a Florida tax lawyer who is familiar with all of the strategies that could ultimately be used to resolve back tax problems.
Re-evaluation Of National Standards
First of all, one procedure that you may pursue is non-collectible. If you are declared non-collectible, the IRS will stop hounding you for back taxes immediately. If you have no disposable income, the IRS can still reevaluate national standards although being declared as non-collectible will stop any further collections for up to two years. They will evaluate future tax returns to figure out whether your income has increased and then will consider resuming collection actions. A payment plan is another option available to you when you hire an experienced Florida tax lawyer. The amount that you will pay to the IRS is determined by incorporating national standard allowances for housing, clothing, and other expenses into an appropriate monthly payment.
An offer in compromise is another opportunity to settle your debt to IRs for less than what you owe. This requires equity and assets and your net monthly income to come up with the minimum acceptable offer amount. This is very cumbersome and complicated process since the IRS would much prefer to collect all of the taxes due. However, this means that your attorney should put in considerable effort and time to review your unique financial situation when they analyze whether or not an offer and compromise are in your best interest.
Appeals and Abatement Of Penalties
Appeals and abatement of penalties are other options available to you when you hire an experienced Florida tax lawyer who can evaluate your individual situation and figure out what is most appropriate for you. It is not uncommon for business owners and individuals to have questions about their taxes but failing to find the appropriate answers to these questions can lead to a bigger issue. If you do not rectify issues with the IRS, it could lead to criminal prosecution and therefore, you need an experienced Florida tax attorney who can evaluate your individual situation.
At some point in time, practically every citizen in America will have some type of issue with the IRS. Whether it is not filing, owing more money than you are capable of paying, filing late, or incurring penalties, there are many different ways that the IRS can engage you in an adversarial way. Many of these encounters can make business owners and individuals feel hopeless and lost because the cost of battling the IRS can be a great challenge.